How to Sell More Online

See the 9 most relevant subjects to know how to sell more on the internet.

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In today's digital world, sell on the internet has become fundamental to the success of any business. However, with so much competition, it is essential to adopt effective strategies to stand out and increase sales. In this guide, we'll cover some of the best practices and tactics you can implement to boost your online sales and grow your business.

Here are the main topics we will cover:

  1. Choosing a professional website design company
  2. Investment in professional and customized design
  3. Professional SEO Implementation
  4. Creating relevant and quality content
  5. Using social proof to build trust
  6. Google Company Profile Optimization
  7. Efficient use of Google Ads
  8. Building quality backlinks
  9. Other practices

Throughout this guide, we'll explore each of these topics in detail, providing valuable insights and practical tips to help you maximize your potential. sales of your business on the internet.

Choosing a Professional Website Design Company

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Succeeding in any endeavor requires reliable partners, suppliers and friends, and the internet is no different. The success of your website or project starts with choosing a good supplier that is aligned with your goals and ready to help you achieve them. To ensure that you select a professional website creation, consider the following criteria:

  • Good rating by your customers: Check reviews and customer testimonials to get an idea of ​​the quality and satisfaction provided by the company.
  • At least 7 years of experience in the market: A company with a proven track record and years of experience is more likely to provide efficient and innovative solutions for your business.
  • Quality, humanized and fast service: The company must be able to offer a efficient and personalized support, ensuring your needs are met promptly.
  • Diverse client portfolio: One of the company that has served a wide range of customers demonstrates versatility and ability to deal with different sectors and challenges.
  • Proven success stories: Analyze case studies and examples of successful projects carried out by the company to ensure that it can deliver tangible and measurable results.

By considering these criteria when choosing a professional website design company, you will be taking an important step towards ensuring the success of your online project.

Professional and Custom Design

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It is essential that your website stands out among the millions of websites available on the internet. For this, it is crucial to have a unique and personalized design, instead of using generic templates common on platforms like WordPress and Wix. Avoid ready-made solutions and look for a company that offers professional design, that is, with specialists dedicated exclusively to creating website layouts. Understand the company's creative process and assess whether it conveys confidence. Many of these companies position themselves as creative studios, which can be indicative of their commitment to innovation and quality in design. By investing in a professional and personalized design, you increase the chances of your website attracting and retaining the attention of visitors, improving the user experience and, consequently, your online sales.

Professional SEO and Performance

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Getting results on the internet nowadays is closely linked to success in Google searches. Therefore, it is essential to have a professional seo and a high performance infrastructure to ensure good positioning in search results. There are measurement tools and metrics that help you monitor and improve your site's performance, such as Core Web Vitals, which measure user experience in terms of speed, stability, and interactivity.

Investing in professional SEO means optimizing your website content and structure so that it is easily found and understood by search engines, increasing your visibility and, consequently, attracting more visitors and potential customers. Furthermore, a high-performance infrastructure ensures that your website loads quickly and runs smoothly, providing a pleasant user experience and thus improving your conversion rate and online sales.

 Relevant and Engaging Content

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To attract and keep the attention of your target audience, it is essential create relevant and quality content. Start by identifying the subjects, search terms or keywords that are most important to your audience. When writing about these topics, consider what information and perspectives your customer or target audience would like to find.

Diversify the format of publications, writing both objective and short texts and longer and more in-depth articles on the same topic. This approach allows you to meet the different preferences and information needs of your website visitors.

Also, don't underestimate the importance of institutional content. A well-crafted text about the company's history and values, as well as detailed and attractive descriptions of the products and services offered, can add value to your website and increase your authority in Google's search results. Relevant and engaging content not only improves the user experience, but also contributes to a better position in search engines, increasing visibility and, consequently, online sales.

The Importance of Social Proof

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Social proof is an often-overlooked but critical aspect of establishing trust and engaging your audience. It activates the mental trigger of belonging and influences people's perception of your business. To incorporate social proof into your website, consider the following strategies:

  • Logos of the main companies served: Displaying the logos of renowned companies you've worked with demonstrates credibility and increases visitors' confidence in your business.
  • Customer testimonials: Include testimonials, whether written, screenshots or videos, from satisfied customers. This shows that other people have had positive experiences with your company and consequently encourages new customers to trust your products or services.
  • Before and after photos: If applicable to your business, share before and after images that illustrate the results your customers are experiencing. These visual comparisons are powerful in demonstrating the effectiveness of your work and winning your visitors' trust.
  • Projects carried out: Feature a portfolio of successful projects so visitors can view concrete examples of your work and better understand what your company is capable of doing.

By using social proof on your website, you create an environment of trust and credibility, making it easier for visitors to make a decision and thus boosting online sales.

Leveraging Google Business Profile

Image how to sell more - Google Company Profile

Don't underestimate the power of Google Company Profile (formerly Google My Business), a valuable tool to increase your company's visibility. Many entrepreneurs neglect this functionality and leave their information outdated or in the hands of third parties. If your company already has a registration, take control and keep it up to date. If not, create a profile right now.

In addition to keeping all information up to date, we recommend following these three tips:

  • Add photos and videos: Include compelling images and videos of your business, products or services to give visitors a more complete and engaging view of what your business has to offer.
  • Register your products and services: Register all of your products and services on Google Business Profile to make it easy for customers to find and access the information they are looking for.
  • Encourage reviews and testimonials: One of the key strategies is to encourage ongoing reviews and testimonials. Whenever you complete a call or service, ask customers to leave a review, preferably accompanied by a testimonial and photo. This practice helps to increase the credibility of your business and attract more customers.

By following these tips and using Google Business Profile effectively, you'll increase your company's visibility and authority, which in turn will boost your online sales.

 Leveraging Google Ads

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An effective marketing strategy usually combines several actions, and the Google Ads it's a powerful, low-cost tool that can complement your efforts. It's a good idea to create a campaign, even on a low budget, to increase traffic to your website.

If you have a limited budget, focus on a single search aspect and prioritize attracting high-quality visitors. In this case, it's important to choose relevant keywords and target a specific audience to ensure that you reach the users most interested in your products or services.

With a bigger budget, you can expand your campaign to include more search terms, i.e. multiple keywords related to your business. This will allow you to attract a greater volume of visitors, expanding your online presence and increasing the chances of conversion.

By using Google Ads efficiently and within your budget, you can boost your website's visibility and attract more potential customers, resulting in an increase in online sales.

 Creating Quality Backlinks

Image How to sell on the internet - Bakclinks

One of the strategies to improve the positioning of your site in search engines is the creation of backlinks, that is, links on other sites that point to yours. These links act as votes of confidence and help build your domain authority.

The simplest way to start building backlinks is by using your social networks. Share your blog posts, service or product links on your pages and profiles on social networks, WhatsApp groups or any other platform that can attract visitors. Google values ​​traffic a lot, and the more quality hits you generate, the better your website will rank.

In addition to social media, you can explore other strategies to get quality backlinks, such as:

  • Partnerships with other companies and influencers: Partner with companies and influencers in your niche to exchange links and relevant content.
  • Guest posts: Write guest articles for blogs and websites related to your niche, including links to your website in the content.
  • Comments on blogs and forums: Actively participate in discussions on blogs and forums in your industry, contributing useful information and, where appropriate, including a link to your website.
  • Business directories and listings: Register your company in reliable and specific directories and lists of your niche.

By building quality backlinks and diversifying your traffic sources, you increase your site's authority and improve your search engine ranking, which contributes to increased online sales.

Other practices

Above we addressed the main ones, but I will leave here other relevant practices with a brief summary. 

  • Email marketing: Increase customer loyalty and drive sales through effective, personalized email marketing campaigns.
  • Promotions and special offers: Attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases with exclusive deals and offers.
  • Data analysis and optimization: Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement and optimize the customer experience.
  • Exceptional customer service: Earn your customers' trust and loyalty by providing high-quality customer service.
  • Social networks: Increase audience visibility and engagement by creating and sharing quality content on social media.
  • Integration with marketplaces and e-commerce platforms: Expand your reach and increase sales by integrating your website with popular marketplaces and e-commerce platforms.
  • A/B testing and continuous tweaking: Maximize the conversion rate and effectiveness of strategies by performing constant A/B testing and tweaking.


Throughout this guide, we explore several essential strategies and tactics to boost your online sales and ensure your internet business succeeds. From choosing a professional website design company to building quality backlinks, every step is crucial to creating a solid online presence and attracting a larger target audience.

In summary, to increase your internet sales, it is essential:

  • Work with professional and reliable partners
  • Invest in high quality design and content
  • Optimize your website for search engines
  • Using social proof to instill confidence in visitors
  • Leverage Google tools like Google My Business and Google Ads
  • Build quality backlinks to increase your site's authority

Remember that online success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort and dedication to implement and adjust the strategies mentioned in this guide. However, by following these best practices and adapting to changes in the digital environment, you will be well on your way to increasing your online sales and growing your business.

Now is the time to put these tips into practice and start enjoying the benefits of a successful online presence. Good luck on your journey to sell more online!

Now that you are ready to leverage your online sales, allow Eco Webdesign to be your trusted partner on this journey. With over 13 years of experience and a team of highly qualified professionals, we are here to help you create an attractive, optimized and effective website to boost your business in the digital environment.

Don't waste any more time! Contact us today and discover how our web design, SEO and digital marketing services can transform your business's online presence and increase your sales. 

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