10 digital marketing tips to attract customers

See digital marketing tips to attract customers where people are always online

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We know that it is impossible to have a healthy company without good customers and for that it is necessary to make people interested in what you do or sell find you. Usually people find out about new companies through word of mouth, advertisements in general and through the internet. 

The whole process of being found and trusted over the internet is called digital marketing. Digital marketing allows your brand to be found in the first place, subsequently transmits trust, credibility and allows people to do business on some level, such as buying, contacting or expressing interest.

Digital marketing is a broad and essential subject for most business segments, so we have separated 10 digital marketing tips to attract customers with great cost-effectiveness. The tips are:

1. Know your customers and target audience

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It is essential to understand people interested in buying what your company offers. For this there are some methods that can make this task easier:

  • Analyze your current customers: What do they buy? What's your gender? Average age? Are they individuals or legal entities? This type of question can bring you closer to your audience's interests to advertise and express yourself according to their needs.
  • Do market research: Market research allows you to understand the pain of your customers and thus communicate your products and services efficiently to solve these problems. There are very simple ways to carry out surveys, for example: Asking customers or even creating online forms.
  • Understand your competitors (benchmarking): Compare your company with your competitors, what are your advantages and disadvantages. By better understanding your competitors, you can improve processes where your company falls short and better advertise the advantages to attract your customers.

2. Create quality content for your company

It is very important that the company has original, exclusive and quality content. For example, having an institutional text, mission, vision and values, principles, catalog of products or services, institutional videos, visual identity material, among others. The more organized your content, the higher the quality of its dissemination, regardless of the communication channel used.

3. Create real promotions

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Nothing worse for digital marketing to attract customers than a promotion with no real benefits. We have as an example Black Friday stigmatized with the term "everything for half the double", that is, without any benefit. Think of promotions that allow customers to get to know your business better and try products to become customers. Good content united with real promotions allows you to enjoy advertisements at different levels, such as graphics and audio-visual on and off the internet.

4. Create a good and fast website for mobile and desktop

Create a good and fast website for computers and cell phones: The website is an excellent way to promote your company in an official and institutional vehicle and can have many benefits, such as:

  • Let your customers know your products and services;
  • Pass on more credibility by showing services performed and customers who already trust you;
  • Provide capture tools, the English CTA (call to action), where the visitor can contact via Whatsapp, for example, to talk to an attendant;
  • Inform and support the customer through official documentation;
  • Announce company news and services through publications;
  • Act as an online store and allow the purchase of products;
  • Be the first contact of a new person with your company;
  • Centralize institutional documents, images and videos;

5. Get ahead on Google

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It is very common for people to search the internet for companies in sectors that they do not know or have no indication. For example, if you need to change your car's battery at night and you don't know anyone who does the service, you go to Google and type something like "electrical auto that changes batteries 24 hours a day". We call the technique of getting your business on Google for those important terms related to your business SEO. A good SEO job can drastically increase the amount of different people who will know about your company and who can become customers. Last but not least, SEO has the great advantage of attracting people to your website who are really interested in what you do at the time they need it, that is, potential customers close to doing new business.

6. Use social networks

Social networks are great social raters since people directly interact with your posts. Everyone wants to do business with companies that are highly rated on the internet, not the poorly rated ones. In addition to the most popular social networks like Instagram and Facebook, explore others like LinkedIn, Google Business Profile and Youtube.

7. Run mass messaging campaigns (with the person's permission)

Sending emails (email marketing campaigns) is still a good solution, but it is important to explore tools such as SMS triggers and, unavoidably, Whatsapp, the most popular among Brazilians. A WhatsApp messaging and chatbot campaign can streamline your business service and bring customers closer to your brand.

It is always important to emphasize that every message needs the recipient's consent and that starts with collecting the number or email to build your lists. In addition, no personal data should also be shared (according to the LGPD) and the customer has the right to remove their data from their database at any time, that is, you need to provide this space for unsubscribing.

8. Be efficient when creating content and even more efficient when responding to everyone

All segments, even if some more and others less, need to be alert to answer questions from people online. So stay tuned for messages received on social media and other sites. For example, a company that does not respond to customers on sites like ReclameAqui can easily go bankrupt or have a rejection that totally affects the business. Always be kind to everyone, be it positive messages or criticism.

9. Keeping moving is important

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Having a healthy routine of content updates on the website and social networks is essential to be up to date with the answers to questions and be seen favorably by Google.

10. Invest in online campaigns

Investing in Google Ads Campaigns or others like Waze and Instagram are always good options to understand the return, public and other data. It is essential that the company has a separate budget for this type of advertisement and correctly monitors its results.

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Your audience is always online, mixing actions both offline and online at all times, so it's important to positively impact the right people with what you offer and show your advantages and credibility in the market.

For this, it is necessary to act not on one, but on several fronts in the online world, buying credits for campaigns on Google, social networks and having serious update routines.

With these 10 digital marketing tips to attract customers, your brand can stay ahead and grow with the support of the internet for new businesses both online and offline.

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