Company that solves Google Ads Advertiser Verification - Eco Webdesign

Some of our client campaigns are being asked to go through the Advertiser Verification procedure, it's a lengthy process, but nothing too complex.

Eco Webdesing is a company specialized in Google Ads, we work with the creation of websites with refined SEO for Google Organic and with professional design. We've been on the road for over 11 years and we have a lot to share. In this article, my goal is to give companies, or professionals in the Google Ads tool, a solution option when their account is selected for Advertiser Verification. 

Advertiser verification is a security and transparency action by Google. Google will request information from the advertiser, from the website provider and if it has a third party that manages the campaign, it will request the information and the link between the companies. 

This measure is usually requested when the campaign contains content that is considered potentially misleading, such as asking for extra security for some brands or businesses that are more prone to abuse, fraud and scams, such as financial services, travel and technical support. I also believe that if your campaign has been reported or Google is experiencing any type of pressure or legal action to follow up, they will use these measures to improve transparency and trustworthiness throughout the Google ecosystem. 

If you are experiencing this problem, contact Eco, we can help you!

If you're looking for a no-cost solution, or want to know more about Google's policies, follow the link on Google documentation

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