How to measure your Google Ads campaign's impression, click, and conversion metrics

Impressions, clicks and conversions what it means when your Google Ads campaign is high or low.

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Many of our clients do not understand the reports and results of their campaigns, as they are numbers and names that are not part of their daily lives, and they are not sure what each one means for the campaign.

So, we'll explain below how to consider each of the following campaign metrics in Google Ads: impressions, clicks and conversions.

A campaign with many impressions reflects a good volume of searches for the campaign focus within the targeted location and the keywords are set up in an interesting way for these searches, on the other hand a campaign with few searches can mean that they have few searches for the focus of the campaign or the correct keywords were not set.

Having a good volume of clicks means that the keywords were configured correctly according to the search demands and the ad caught attention and stood out among the other search results. The click takes the visitor to the website, where he will assess whether or not the content responds to his search needs.

Conversion is often the main metric, also known as KPI. A good volume of conversions means that we got impressions in the right searches, the ad was interesting to the point that people came to the site, so we ended up with a site that provides a good experience and relevant content, giving confidence that the company can solve the problem. This content encourages the visitor to perform an action configured as important, usually contacting or making a purchase.

It is always very important to also be aware of the relationship between impression, click and conversion metrics, since many impressions and few clicks can have something wrong with the ad or keywords, as well as many clicks and few conversions reflect keywords misconfigured or a website unable to generate contacts. Even too many conversions and too few impressions can be a problem, as it could mean that we are not participating in important surveys, due to a lack of some good keywords, an error in the keyword configuration, or a lack of credits.

Therefore, it is very important to understand these metrics and the relationship they have with each other to make a good reading of your campaign reports and help to optimize it, as it is always possible to have more results.

With the ECO Webdesign team at your disposal, you will have specialists following up on everything that is important for the campaign, giving you detailed reports and answering any questions you may have.

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