How to create a cost-effective, WordPress-free, manageable news portal

A manageable news portal can be a great business opportunity, as the links receive visits and programmatic media are printed for the visitor.

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A manageable news portal can be a great business opportunity, as the links receive visits and programmatic media are printed for the visitor (advertisements). In addition, the news portal can be used as an institutional vehicle or informational documentation in general.

There are several good solutions on the market, the most famous of which is Wordpress. These platforms are called CMS, which translates to Content Management System. We have a custom solution specializing in high-impact Google links and we'll show you below how to use our Interago Platform to create a manageable news portal.

The first step is to have a Home website or a Custom website. Together with the company, we created the institutional version of the website and, mainly, the visual identity that will also be used in the news panel.

By installing our News Extension on the website, it is able to register subjects and editors to start work. It's quick and easy to write and publish stories. You don't need to know code or worry about technical issues such as layout, URL or content attached to the site (like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook). Everything is automatic, including creating AMP news for Google.

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Interago itself manages for visitors to find themselves on Google and display their content in the best possible way. Your role is only to manage the newsroom and social networks.

To manage programmatic media, it is possible to install and apply Google Tagmanager or another tool on all news, and we have techniques so that advertising does not affect performance on Google.

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To learn more about our News Extension and create a news portal that can compete with the big players in the market, contact us to schedule a demo.

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